5 Tips For Obtaining A Work- Life Balance


  1. Take a Break. 30 minutes – 1 hour can do wonders on a daily basis. Take time to decompress and FREEE- YOURRR-MINDDDD. I know it’s a lot going on up there. You want to read a book? Go read that book! Even if that means sitting in your closet to hind from the kiddos. You like walking or exercising? You can do that too! Heck, if you just wanted to sit with your feet up somewhere staring out the window listening to music! That’s fine too! Do something for you that makes you happen. Taking this pause can help to give you that extra kick that you need to finish the day.
  2. Know when to say “N to the O”, NO! Some individuals become overwhelmed when they do not learn the magic word. No! There is only so much you can do at a time and you should not feel obligated to have to take on any extra obligations or pick up overtime. Giving your time to breathe, can be worth more than working long hours for the extra money.
  3. Delegate tasks. If you are able to get someone to cover a project or respond to emails, that would be great. Get the extra help if you need it. It will save you a lot of headaches. Is there someone who would enjoy taking on your particular task or project so that you can take a break? Come on, let it go! Is there someone with whom you can share responsibilities with to get things completed faster? Call that person! Trust me, you’ll thank me later.
  4. DO NOT TAKE your work Home! You need to learn how to separate your work life from your personal life so that you can have a personal life! To will allow you to rejuvenate and prepare you yourself mentally for the next day. When you go back to work the next day, you can resume where you left off.
  5. Take a vacation! Taking some time off is always necessary among increased responsibilities. When you do take that vacay, go have fun and relax! Whether it is enjoying time with the family, taking that couple’s trip, having a girls’ night out or simply just making the most of a staycation, be fully present in the moment and do not pack that thing called work. The work will be there when you get back. If you must participate in work related events, make sure you designate just a small portion of time in the morning or evening to do so, so you will still have time to do other activities.

Wisdom and Blessings,

-aGOALden Star


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