Woman with A Vision

When a woman understands her purpose, she is unstoppable and empowered. Finding your purpose is more than obtaining a degree, a successful career, a loving relationship, or a family. Your purpose is also more than your greatest dream accomplished. Your purpose is rather your drive to what makes your life meaningful, happy, better, and overall, healthier.

Finding your purpose is a journey that involves self-reflection, taking note of the views of others, and learning your passions. It requires you to remain consistent and allow these experiences daily to shape and mold your dreams and visions. The experiences you have will expose your true purpose and desires over time. Here is a list of activities that can prompt your purpose:

  1. Helping others. This is a healthy habit that can be used to expose your purpose. Learning the beauty of giving can open possible doors to connect you with what you truly love. This can include volunteering, donating funds, or helping just about anyone daily.
  2. Be receptive. At times with all the influences present, you are unable to recognize the things you are passionate about. With an extra pair of eyes from someone who you trust, you might be able to pinpoint your true purpose. This is so because many times we display our true self and desires around the ones we love. They are better able to highlight some of the traits you have buried for years or have turned a blind eye.
  3. Enjoy the presence of positively charged people. This encourages you to engage in things that allow you to feel passionate and purpose-filled. The positive influence of others around you creates an environment that will allow you to become your best self.
  4. Meet new people. Social media has become the go-to for communication. However, conversing with the persons also in your physical surrounds will cause you to learn by opening your mind to new opportunities, activities, and projects that may be of interest to you.
  5. What are your interests? Pay attention to the things you passionately share and speak about regularly on social media. Whether it be finance, farming, beauty, weather, or current affairs. Pay attention to the activities that you engage in regularly. This will help to expose and understand the things that motivate you and gives you purpose in your life.
  6. Do you know the injustices that affect you? Many times, the things that motivate us to accomplish something or create a movement is out of the things that bother us and make us gravely disgruntled. For some persons, it’s welfare programs, opportunities to provide scholarships, or the ability to build a rehab or health center. Your personal donation could be in the form of money or time.
  7. Establish what you love to do. You can easily discover your purpose by spending time with yourself thinking and pinpointing what you love to do. This may expose talents, skills, and passions that you didn’t even realize exist. Spending the time to highlight all the things you love to do than analyze how you can use your passion to develop it into something big or provide you with satisfaction.

Upon acknowledging and bonding with your purpose it’s pertinent that you set the goals necessary to keep yourself and aligned and motivated to accomplish them. This means journaling will become your best friend as you document all your goals as well as the progress you make daily to achieve them. This will allow you to keep track of yourself and embrace the vision you have developed for yourself. The more you can work at your goals and be present while you observe your development it’s the more empowered you will become.

Trusting your journey means sticking to your goals and plans even when things may seem as if they are falling apart. It means going back to your goals list and ensuring you are on target with all you need to do daily.

Trusting your journey means believing in your capabilities to accomplish what you set out to do. It means embracing possible setbacks and challenges as you seek to find your purpose. It means challenging yourself to become the best you. It means falling in love with yourself, building your self-esteem, and self-confidence.

To empower yourself as a woman means to take time to care for yourself every day. Living a purpose-filled life demands that you learn to put yourself first by spending time in your own presence and loving it!

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